Question : 12 of 25
Choose the appropriate introduction one would write in an e-mail letter of application for a job one is applying for in a new country one has moved to.
a) Hello sir. I am looking for job in your company in london town. I saw in advert in newspaper. I am hard working man from puerto rico and am trained in fixing cars.
b) Dear Sir
I apply for the position of motor mechanic as advertised in the Star of 25 March 2013.
I had 5 years' experience of fully servicing all makes of cars when I served as head mechanic at Puerto Rico Auto Repairs.
I attach my CV and will be available for an interview at your convenience.
c) Dear Mr
Be kind to look at my CV for a job I want to apply for I saw the advert the Star
yesterday I really need, possess experience in repairs to all kinds of cars, also in full service...
d) Hi
CV attached.. Look and get back to me about job.